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Bio Combination No. 28 - General Tonic

Bio Combination No. 28 - General Tonic Composition, All Twelve Tissues General Indication: These tablets contain the twelve Tissue Remedies found in the human organism. They are of great help for those suffering from consumption and other debilitating diseases, for convalescents from fever, pneumonia, diarrhoea etc. As they help to build up the system by supplying the necessary tissue nutrition. Weak and old people take them as a tonic after meals. The continuous use of these tablets will keep off disease. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 20 - Skin Diseases

Bio Combination No. 20 - Skin Diseases Composition, (Calc Fluor, Calc Sulf, Kali Sulf, Nat Mur, Nat Sulf) General Indication: Scurfy eruptions on the scalps and in the faces of children; eczemas due to uterine disorders, acne, pemphigus, herpes, erysipelas, crusta lactea and similar eruptive diseases. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 19 - Rheumatism

Bio Combination No. 19 - Rheumatism Composition, (Ferr Phos, Mag Phos, Kali Sulf, Nat Sulf) General Indication: Shooting and stabbing pains in the joints of legs or arms, worse at night. Fever, lumbago, sciatica, muscular rheumatism. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 11 - Fever

Bio Combination No. 11 - Fever Composition, (Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Kali Sulf, Nat Mur, Nat Sulf) General Indication: All kinds of fever, chills, initial stages of inflammatory diseases. In quick sudden swellings; pneumonia, Pleurisy and other inflammatory affections that tend so suppuration. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor

Bio Combination No. 8 - Diarrhoea

Bio Combination No. 8 - Diarrhoea Composition, (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Phos, Kali Sulf, Nat Sulf) General Indication: Thin watery stools with undigested food, thirst, caused by fat or too rich food. White coated tongue. Prostration. Recommended in convalescence. * As Prescribed by Homowopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 7 - Diabetes

Bio Combination No. 7 - Diabetes Composition, (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Phos, Nat Phos, Nat Sulf) General Indication: Increased micturition, pain in calves, thirst, dry lips, sleeplessness, nervous prostration. All chronic cases with liver disorders. Recommended as a remedy to support the patient's state of health by assimilating the glucose. The kidney and nerve functions impaired by diabetes are improved. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 3 - Colic

Bio Combination No. 3 - Colic Composition, (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Mag Phos, Nat Sulf) 6x General Indication: Colics of infants that cause them to draw up their legs, especially during teething. Colic of children and and adults from blockage of the intestines caused by flatulence or constipation with formation of gas. Spasmodic pains causing the patient to double up. * Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 2 - Asthma

Bio Combination No. 2 - Asthma Composition, (Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Nat Mur, Nat Sulf)6x General Indication: Nervous asthma accompnied by cough, gasping, irregular pulse. Asthma with troublesome faltulence or spasms, convulsive tickling cough. Bronchial asthma with yellow sputum, worse in the evening and in warm rooms, better in cool air. * Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.